Tłumaczenia Mickiewicz
Professional translations in many languages
flaga polski
flaga anglii
flaga niemiec
Sworn translator of German Leszek Adam Mickiewicz
Translator of English Monika Maria Mickiewicz
The company Tłumaczenia Mickiewicz offers translations in Polish, English and German language pairs.

To provide our clients complete scope of languages we have established cooperation with the trustworthy translators of other European languages.  As our clients need translations in another translation combinations (e.g. French - German) we can organize a multilingual service. In that case we can personally coordinate work of other translators or put our clients in contact with translators of other languages.

We assure, that every translations made by cooperated with us translators will be on the highest factual level.
© 2014
Tłumaczenia Mickiewicz