Tłumaczenia Mickiewicz
Professional translations in many languages
flaga polski
flaga anglii
flaga niemiec
Sworn translator of German Leszek Adam Mickiewicz
Translator of English Monika Maria Mickiewicz
On this page you can find sample translations of documents. In that way, we would like to show you the way of making translations by the company Tłumaczenia Mickiewicz. Update coming soon.
© 2014
Tłumaczenia Mickiewicz
Original (in Polish)
Certified translation
(in German)
Uncertified translation
(in English)
1. Record of marriage
2. Certificate of qualifications

3. Certificate of entry on the list of sworn translators
4. Diploma of completion of the postgraduate program
5. Certificate of entry in the business activity register
6. Certificate of statistical REGON number (Company number)
7. Confirmation of an entity registration as the VAT-UE taxpayer
8. Extract of CEiDG (Central registration and information on business)